May 2020

  It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 I hope and pray that you are all safe during this difficult time of lockdown. Alistair is still working in Beverley 3 days a week sorting medical aid – our volunteers have all had to isolate and so he...

February 2020

The strength of the righteous shall be exalted Psalm 75:10  Alistair and I travelled to Ghana in January to see the projects that Jacob’s Well Appeal have been working on. We visited several dry season farming projects, three smaller ones run by Saraha Advocates...

January 2020

See, I am doing a new thing! Isaiah 43:18 Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas – we were so fortunate to spend Christmas in Inverness with our family, including our grandson of 9 months. We are so thankful that we can celebrate this time of...

November 2019

Now hope does not disappoint Romans 5:5 I am currently at my computer in Beverley, sat with several layers of clothing listening to thunder and rain outside. Life is so very different here in the UK. When it rains in Sierra Leone the rain is warm and when it stops you...

October 2019

We have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1Cor 15:57 Whilst we were in Sierra Leone we visited the community of Moyolla-Lal-Raton in the PortoLoko district in the northern part of Sierra Leone. We had met Ahmed Fofanah in Hull before we went to Sierra Leone...

September 2019

My God shall be my strength Isaiah 49:5 Whilst in Sierra Leone we visited many exciting projects that were bringing help into desperate situations. One of these was the Browne-Penn Special Education School, set up by Alice Brown and Mary Penn-Timity. Mary comes from...