It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

I hope and pray that you are all safe during this difficult time of lockdown. Alistair is still working in Beverley 3 days a week sorting medical aid – our volunteers have all had to isolate and so he is safely on his own. We have received many offers of aid from the NHS and also from manufacturers including 200 beds. God is good even in this difficult time.

At the start of lockdown I was in Inverness babysitting my grandson so that my daughter and son-in law could both work. Now my daughter is on maternity leave and I am back in Bridlington. Meanwhile, despite our shops having to close and most of our staff are on furlough, Jacob’s Well Appeal has continued in its work and sent a container of medical aid to Ghana just after lockdown started.

Due to a generous donation from one of our supporters we have also been able to drill a borehole in Kalahi, a very poor village in Northern Ghana where we run a seedbank project. This will greatly help the community and we have also sent funds to plant mangoes in this area when the rains start –

– as well as sending funds to plant further mango trees in two poor communities that are desperate for help.

All our partners abroad are struggling with coronavirus and because of the lack of sanitation and health care they are really worried. There is no possibility of social distancing in these communities where people live day by day and have no financial security.

We also have had good news from Sierra Leone – they have received the tractors that we sent earlier this year. They are so very grateful for this generous gift from the donor and for all our supporters who make it possible for us to send this aid. You will also see they are looking smart in their safety clothes – we were able to send these after getting a large donation of this equipment which would otherwise have gone to landfill – all new and unused. We also sent medical aid for their health care clinic and educational aid.

The words of the poster says mechanical farming, improved access to primary health care and primary education for all.



I pray that God blesses you all and that you stay safe during this lockdown.