Latest News
Photos from Uganda
Anyone who reads our newsletter will know that we were looking for funds to help build an orphanage in Uganda to help house 122 teenagers Agnes, our partner who works through Abundant Favour Christian Ministries International, helps look after 700 orphans that are...
Zambia Update
'Two of our trustees were travelling to Zambia in April to assess the situation there. A national drought disaster has been declared because of El Nino and climate change. This south African country has had a prolonged dry spell instead of the usual expected rains, so...
Madagascar Update
The good news is a supporter of the Sunrise Centre from Switzerland, Martin Sedlmeyer, has been in Nosy Be. Martin has always made commitments to support the project financially ONLY WHEN it was possibile to create a facility that was not rented. With a donation from...
Collecting, processing and sending aid overseas costs a lot of money and last year we spent £96,191.96 on shipping alone. We are given a lot of high value medical aid and colostomy as well as tractors to send abroad. The money and other goods donated (those that are not suitable for sending abroad) help us to pay for sending aid abroad and running the charity.
The total value of the donations (goods and money) we received in 2023 was £4,587,309.64. Of this:
Went abroad as aid
Transportation & Shipping
Operating costs (warehouse, staff, admin)
Changing the World … one life at a time
Since 1984 Jacob’s Well Appeal has been working in over 30 countries, including Afghanistan, Romania, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Philippines and Kenya. From our offices and large warehouse in Beverley we continue to the change the world one life at a time by supplying
- Medical aid
- Agricultural equipment and projects
- Educational supplies and projects
- Tools and building supplies
- Emergency disaster relief
- Small business start-up schemes
- Sponsoring children in the developing world
- Volunteers willing to go abroad and make a difference
Here at Jacob’s Well Appeal we would welcome any donation however big or small. There are many ways to donate to us from giving your time to organising events however if you would like to make a monetary donation please follow the instructions below or click on the big red button at the top of the page
If you would like to donate money to our charity you can do so via the internet.

Jacob’s Well Appeal is registered as a charitable incorporation, no 1192373.
Dr. Margaret’s Blog
January 2025
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. Col 3:23 Hello and Happy New Year to everyone! Whilst we have been enjoying Christmas some of our partners have been busy drilling boreholes, feeding children and running literacy projects - all...
October 2024
Let us hold unswerving to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 Hi everyone! Each month the world situation seems to become more extreme and I am reminded of the starfish story (I am sure most of you know it - a man was asked why he is...
‘Do you have any time to spare to make a difference?’
JWA has lots of opportunities for you to volunteer with us. We need help in the warehouse sorting clothes, CDs and DVDs, books and medical aid; we have electricians testing equipment. We need help in the office and in the shops as well as volunteers to go abroad and help in the schools and hospitals that we support.
Whatever your skills we are confident we can find a place for you in our charity. Please get in touch via the form on this page.