We are happy to come and speak to groups of people about our work; From small to very large groups are all possible.
Groups could include;
- Coffee mornings
- Women’s groups
- U3a meetings
- Business lunches
- Fund raising events
- After dinner speaker
- Church service or mid-week group
- School lessons or assemblies
- Social clubs
An example of possible talk subjects are listed below. Other subjects could also be covered.
- Exciting adventures of an aid worker
- A global mission – the work of Jacob’s Well
- Why help the poor overseas?
- Africa; helping those in greatest need
- Medical aid; problems and opportunities
- Aid for Eastern Europe, past and present
To book a speaker or to talk about possibilities, please contact Jacob’s Well offices on 01482 881162 or email us at
What we DO & DO NOT take!
Jacob’s Well Warehouse
Jacob’s Well Yard (Take the turn in between Aldi and MKM)
Swinemoor Lane
HU17 0JX
- No Christmas trees or decorations!
- Good quality clothing
- Shoes, Bags, Belts
- Hats, gloves, scarves
- Good Quality Underwear
- Blankets & sheets, NEW duvets, but not cushions.
- Knitted Items including Baby & children’s clothes, blankets from cot – single bed size.
- Wool
- Hand tools & power tools (sent abroad)
- Unwanted Metal & metal items (for scrap value)
- Sewing machines (particularly hand driven) and sewing equipment
- Bikes
- Toys but only if they are small enough to fit in a shoe box
- Musical Instruments EXCEPT traditional (wooden) pianos and electric organs.
- Shoe boxes to send abroad. Contents can include, small toys, toiletries, stationery, colouring books, wind-up torches, sewing kit, calculator, wallet/purse, jewellery, make-up BUT NO sweets/medicines/money
- No Food, Vitamin drinks or pet food
- Good quality Bric-a-brac items
- Jigsaws ONLY IF all the pieces are there
- Jewellery and watches
- DVD’s and Music CD’s, LPs but NOT videos
- Working Mobile Phones
- Small Electrical Items in good condition & working order
- Working Computers & Laptops – but NOT printers
- Flat Screen Monitors, working keyboards and mice.
- Flat screen TV’s, NO DVD recorders or video recorders
- NO CD players or sound systems
- NO organs but we do take electric keyboards
- NO lamps or uplighters
White goods
- White Goods – washing machines, etc. providing that they are in VERY GOOD condition and work.
- Cookers; freestanding cookers in VERY good, working condition; Not built in ovens or hobs
• We are currently not accepting furniture.
- NO MEDICINES or medical feeds
- Bandages & dressings, Unused Ostomy/Stoma products
- Medical equipment, such as thermometers, blood pressure machines, ventilators, heart monitors, etc.
- Hearing aids, Spectacles (not broken ones or sun-glasses)
- Wheel chairs, crutches, etc.
- Hospital beds

Fund Raising Events
Are you good at getting your friends together and helping them to part with their cash for and good cause? Why not organise a fund raising event for Jacob’s Well? Fund raisers’ could include;
- Sponsored run or bike ride
- Coffee morning
- Dinner for a donation
- Charity football match or sports tournament
- Garden party or art exhibition
- Home made produce or craft sale
- Car boot or jumble sale
- Etc.
If you would like to organise a fund raising event for Jacob’s Well, please contact us for more details.
Volunteering in our shop or at one of our Fund Raising Events
We hold regular fund raising events manned by volunteers. Events include; Book Sales, Warehouse sales, charity collections etc. If you would like to help us at a fund raising event, please let us know.
Writing Grant applications
Do you have any experience in writing funding bids or applying for grants? Significant amounts of money are available for some international projects from government agencies, charities, and businesses, however it is a highly skilled and time-consuming process to apply, with no guarantee of success. If you are good writing, organising material, explaining details without losing the big picture and presenting it all in a thorough but interesting way, and have time to spare, let us know.
For more opportunities to volunteer, please click here
Income: Our main income is from donations and our charity shop. Donations, especially if given regularly even in relatively small amounts, e.g. by standing order, help us to plan ahead and can be enhanced by reclaiming tax paid by those who sign a gift aid form. Good as new clothes, bedding, bric-a-brac and second-hand books in good condition are always welcome. Some is sold to raise funds for transport, overheads and purchasing supplies. Much of the clothing and bedding is sent to those in need. Money is raised by our volunteer fund raiser and helpers who give talks explaining our work and the needs of our recipients.
Supplies and medical equipment are our first priority. These come from a variety of sources – manufacturers, hospitals, pharmacies, surgeries, and patients. Many medical agencies have items which are still in working order which are replaced for new technology. In many cases such old equipment is better than what is currently in use in poverty situations. It is also often cheaper to operate and better suited to their conditions. Donated medicines can be passed on after careful checking and documenting, provided there is adequate shelf life to meet the recipients regulations and requirements and the condition is good. Some food is also sent to those in need. A sack of good clothes weighing about 7 kg is valued at £5. Valuation of medical items when second hand, some of which is functional but old, and some of which is good as new is related to market value depreciated according to expected life. Any money left over is used to purchase new medicines and or medical equipment.
Expenses: Gathering, transporting and shipping all these items is steadily becoming more expensive. We constantly review our methods of collection and distribution using rail freight or shipping where this is cheaper than by road. Our other two major financial commitments are our Rehabilitation Unit in Northern Romania now supporting 12 handicapped young people being prepared for normal life after years of institutional care and our Mother and Child Health Clinic in Kabul. We usually send about 12 shipping containers of aid abroad each year containing an average of approximately 12 tons of mixed donations with an average value of £50,000. This involves a tremendous amount of work from our Jacob’s Well teams both here in the UK and abroad. In England we employ 2 part time administrators. Our other workers are all volunteers. In Romania our associated Charity Fintana lui Iacob runs a Rehabilitation Unit for young people leaving long term institutional care with some support from England. Our Continental HGV driver is based there. In Kabul we employ a part-time doctor, nurse, clerk and administrator to run the Mother and Child Clinic.
Work in England: We have links with the local volunteer bureau, health authority, social services departments, social firms networks and main stream training providers. This has enabled Jacob’s Well to provide voluntary work for those who are unable to work full time when recovering from illness or who for any reason are not in a position to undertake ordinary work. Experience in a warehouse or shop setting builds up confidence benefiting the charity. Our aim is to help those who are having social difficulties to overcome their problems and be more involved in society so they can make a positive contribution and raise their sense of self-esteem. This is not easy in a competitive world where cost-effectiveness rules all. Often as people gain in confidence and skills we lose their help as they progress to the point of securing paid employment.
We are very grateful to all our volunteers and donors without whom this work could not continue.
We are working in partnership with a local firm of solicitors, Sandersons Solicitors who are offering a will writing service to friends of Jacobs Well Appeal. Sandersons have agreed to make a donation to Jacobs Well Appeal from every Will they complete for every client that instructs them and advises that they were referred to them by us.
If you are interested in making a will please call Sandersons Solicitors on (01482) 324662 or email them at Ensuring that you advise them you were referred to them by “Jacobs Well Appeal” in order to ensure a donation is made.
- Geography –Life in Burkina Faso an LEDC
- Geography – Natural disasters and emergency disaster relief
- Geography – Agriculture, Fair Trade/Free Trade.
- French – Burkina Faso – example of a French speaking country
- General Studies – Life in the third world
- General Studies – Aid organisations and how they work
- Water – The importance of clean, readily available water
- Literacy/World Book Day – Why education is important
- Business start ups – how to set up a small business
Every year we send hundreds of “Shoe Boxes” abroad as presents for some of the poorest children in the world. If you have any small items that you think would make a great present to a child in the developing world, pack them in a shoe boxes. If you want to wrap it up, even better! It would help us to put a label on saying the age and sex of the child it is intended for.
Items you could include are small items of clothing (Hats, Socks and scarves), Toiletries (toothpaste, soap and flannels), Stationary (Pens and Pencils, Paper, Colouring books), toys, Jewellery, solar calculator, Wind-up Torch, Candles etc. Please do not include perishables such as sweets or chocolates, medicines or money.
Why sponsor a child?
Sponsoring a child is an opportunity to change someone’s life forever. If you sponsor a child, you will be making a long-term difference to one of the poorest children in the world. In addition, you will have the opportunity to be involved in your child’s life as much or as little as you want. You can contact them by writing letters or sending birthday and Christmas cards. It can be the start of a long-term relationship
How does Child Sponsorship work?
If you want to become a child sponsor, first of all you select the child that you would like to sponsor. Once you have registered with us as a sponsor, you start to support that child monthly by setting up a Standing Order with your Bank to Jacob’s Well Appeal in the UK. See “How to pay” section.
Your money is specifically ear-marked to be spent on that child and won’t be used for anything else. We will send 100% of the money that you give overseas to finance the involvement of the child that you are supporting in the ABC school, which Jacob’s Well partners. Attendance at the school includes free food and primary medical care.
How much does Child Sponsorship cost?
It costs £22.50 a month to sponsor a child. That’s about 65p/day.
It costs £50.00/month for a Boarder due to the extra accommodation costs, so each Child needs 2 Sponsors, making it £25 per person. Just 83p/day
Will the cost rise as the child grows up?
We try to avoid raising the cost of sponsorship to donors, as we know how money can be tight. We review the cost of sponsorship once each year, taking into account factors like inflation in the UK and in the child’s country, the exchange rate between the two countries, and the actual average cost that we have incurred in looking after your child.
The cost of sponsorship will never increase in a way that is disproportionate or unreasonable.
If the cost of sponsorship has to rise, we tell donors in advance. If the raised level of sponsorship becomes a problem, we are happy to discuss this with donors and existing donors can carry on paying for their child at the existing rate, unless the difference becomes too great.
At what point in the child’s life does my sponsorship stop?
Your sponsorship is to support the child through his or her education.
When your child has finished their primary and secondary education at the ABC school, your sponsorship of that child will come to an end.
Of course, you may want to stay in touch with your child after they leave school. That is something that could be very beneficial for both you and your child. At that point you will be given the choice as to whether you want to sponsor another child or to finish your financial support to Jacob’s Well Appeal.
What happens if I stop my sponsorship?
Once you choose to support a child, Jacob’s Well Appeal is committed to that child. If your circumstances change and you can no longer sponsor a child, we will understand. We will, however, need to find another sponsor for the child as soon as possible. If you decide to end your support, we would be grateful if you could let us know. If it is possible to give us some advance warning, that would be even better. If you stop your support, we will immediately look for a new sponsor. The education of your child will continue uninterrupted.
How can I be sure that my money gets through to pay for the cost of my child?
Jacob’s Well Appeal only works within countries where we have our own projects. In this way, we ensure that our funding is handled by people that we trust and are in regular contact with, instead of by any third parties. Over the years, we have developed a system of financial accountability that makes is difficult for money to be mis-directed or used in an inappropriate way. In addition, all the money received has to be accounted for in an annual report that is sent back to our head office. We are able to account fully for all the money that we receive, and have audited accounts that are publicly available at any time.
Within the UK, Jacob’s Well Appeal is regulated by the Charities Commission – a legal body which oversees all UK charities and their activities. We are a not-for-profit organization, and we know that the continued support we receive is dependant on our efficient use of supporters’ money. Our annual report is available to anyone who requests it (a small admin charge may be required for this).
Can I choose which child I sponsor?
Yes. You can choose which child you would like to sponsor from their photograph and personal profile information as displayed on our web-site. Currently, in the UK we are encouraging people to sponsor children in Burkina Faso and Kenya, West Africa. If you would particularly like to sponsor a child from another country that we work in, please contact us, and we can send you details. We have children available for sponsorship in 9 different countries.
Can I write to my child? Will I receive letters back?
When a person sponsors a child, he receives a report with information on the child and 3 photo’s. He will also receive a Christmas card, letter or drawing, a new photo every year and an annual report of the child’s progress. To see a model annual report please click here.
You will also be able to write to your child. We will also let you know your child’s birthday, so that you can send your child a birthday card if you wish to. We also encourage the sending of a card at Christmas too. If your child doesn’t speak English, we will make sure that your letter is translated for your child into his/her own language. Whilst the children always like getting letters, we do not make children reply to every letter that they receive. Some children do so themselves and sometimes they correspond frequently with sponsors, especially if they can communicate in the same language.
Can I send presents?
Yes you can! We recommend that gifts are no bigger than an A5 size envelope. It is not recommended to send larger gifts for various reasons:
* Large gifts usually incur customs taxes which have to be paid by the local family before the gift is released, money which they don’t have.
* Larger presents are more likely to go astray! Remember that your package will pass through the hands of many people within the destination country’s postal service before it arrives at the Jacob’s Well Project address. Many of these postal workers will themselves be poor and may not be totally honest!
*Larger items are also more likely to get damaged in the long journey over bumpy roads to the package’s final destination!
What about Jacob’s Well Appeal administration costs?
No deductions are made from the sponsors’ payments for our administration. We are very grateful for the hundreds of hours of
work done by volunteers, which helps to keep our costs low. Our administrative costs are be met by other (general – or unrestricted) donations and from the tax that we recover on donations given through the government’s Gift Aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer, Jacob’s Well Appeal can reclaim from the government 25p for every pound that you give, increasing the value of your donation by almost one third, at no extra cost or trouble to you.
Can I visit my child?
Yes you can, although this does require a lot of preparation by everyone involved. Travel within the third world can be unpredictable and difficult for those who are not used to it. In order to help us ensure that your visit is a positive experience for both you and your child, we would ask for a minimum of three months notice if you wish to visit your sponsored child. Remember, if you can’t speak the same language as your child, we may also need to arrange for an interpreter to be present. For more information about visiting your child, please contact Jacob’s Well Appeal office on 01482-881162
How to pay?
To complete the standing order form for your bank please click here Word or PDF
OR if you do Internet Banking then you can set it up on line. Easy!
Volunteers play a vital part in enabling us to help the world’s poorest people. Without them our whole organisation would grind to a halt! Volunteering with Jacob’s Well can be a very rewarding and enriching experience for you, and can make a big difference to the lives of people overseas. Here are some different opportunities for volunteering
Medical volunteers
We have a great shortage of medically trained volunteers to help with the sorting and processing of our overseas medical aid. We receive regular donations of medicines and other medical products which all need sorting, listing and packing before they can be sent overseas. If you know the difference between a tracheal tube and a laryngeal mask, and would like to use your knowledge to help people overseas, please let us know.
We have a van and a small lorry that we use for collecting medical supplies and other donated items. If you are a good driver with a clean license and would be happy to drive for us in your spare time, please let us know.
Warehouse helpers
Each week we receive hundreds of items which need sorting, packing in boxes, putting on pallets and then finally packing into lorries for shipping abroad. If you are happy to work in a team and don’t mind doing some physical work, this could be an opportunity for you. This could be great experience if you want to move into a job in logistics or warehousing.
Electrical testing
We often get second hand medical equipment. This needs testing (and sometimes repairing) before it is sent overseas. If you have experience in this kind of work, and would like to help, please let us know.
Charity Shop
Working in our charity shop you get to meet lots of new people. We need volunteers to staff the tills, sort out and price items and put items on display. This could be great experience if you want to move into a job in retail or sales.
Go Overseas
Would you like to join a team to go overseas and help a project in the developping world? For more details, click here
For the Volunteer application form please click here : Volunteer form
We are happy to come and speak to groups of people about our work; From small to very large groups are all possible.
Groups could include;
- Coffee mornings
- Women’s groups
- U3a meetings
- Business lunches
- Fund raising events
- After dinner speaker
- Church service or mid-week group
- School lessons or assemblies
- Social clubs
An example of possible talk subjects are listed below. Other subjects could also be covered.
- Exciting adventures of an aid worker
- A global mission – the work of Jacob’s Well
- Why help the poor overseas?
- Africa; helping those in greatest need
- Medical aid; problems and opportunities
- Aid for Eastern Europe, past and present
To book a speaker or to talk about possibilities, please contact Jacob’s Well offices on 01482 881162 or email us at
What we DO & DO NOT take!
Please bring donations to our warehouse rather than the shop. The warehouse is open Monday / Wednesday and Friday 9.30 to 4pm
Jacob’s Well Warehouse
Jacob’s Well Yard (Take the turn in between Aldi and MKM)
Swinemoor Lane
HU17 0JX
- Good quality clothing
- Shoes, Bags, Belts
- Hats, gloves, scarves
- Good Quality Underwear
- Blankets & sheets
- Knitted Items including Baby & children’s clothes, blankets from cot – single bed size.
- Wool
- Hand tools & power tools (sent abroad)
- Unwanted Metal & metal items (for scrap value)
- Bikes
- Musical Instruments EXCEPT pianos.
- Shoe boxes to send abroad. Contents can include, small toys, toiletries, stationery, colouring books, wind-up torches, sewing kit, calculator, wallet/purse, jewellery, make-up BUT NO sweets/medicines/money
- NO BOOKS except for paperback novels published in the last two years.
- Unopened bags of rice, pasta, noodles & cereal
- Tinned food.
- Vitamin drinks (such as nutricia & fortisip) but they must have AT LEAST 9 MONTHS SHELF LIFE.
- Jigsaws ONLY IF all the pieces are there
- Small Bric-a-brac items
- Children’s toys & books. NOT Soft toys
- DVD’s and Music CD’s, LPs but NOT videos
- NO pictures NO lamp-shades
- Good quality Mirrors
- Working Mobile Phones
- Small Electrical Items in good condition & working order
- Working Computers & Laptops – but NOT printers
- Flat Screen Monitors, working keyboards and mice.
- Flat screen TV’s, NO DVD recorders or video recorders
- NO CD players or sound systems
- NO organs but we do take electric keyboards
White goods
- White Goods – washing machines, etc. providing that they are in VERY GOOD condition and work. BUT NO FRIDGES & FREEZERS
- Cookers; freestanding cookers in VERY good, working condition; Not built in ovens or hobs
We are currently not accepting furniture.
- Bandages & dressings, Unused Ostomy/Stoma products
- Medical equipment, such as thermometers, blood pressure machines, ventilators, heart monitors, etc.
- Hearing aids, Spectacles (not broken ones or sun-glasses)
- Wheel chairs, crutches, etc.
- Hospital beds
- Medical Feeds – with at least 9 months until expiry
Fund Raising Events
Are you good at getting your friends together and helping them to part with their cash for and good cause? Why not organise a fund raising event for Jacob’s Well? Fund raisers’ could include;
- Sponsored run or bike ride
- Coffee morning
- Dinner for a donation
- Charity football match or sports tournament
- Garden party or art exhibition
- Home made produce or craft sale
- Car boot or jumble sale
- Etc.
If you would like to organise a fund raising event for Jacob’s Well, please contact us for more details.
Volunteering in our shop or at one of our Fund Raising Events
We hold regular fund raising events manned by volunteers. Events include; Book Sales, Warehouse sales, charity collections etc. If you would like to help us at a fund raising event, please let us know.
Writing Grant applications
Do you have any experience in writing funding bids or applying for grants? Significant amounts of money are available for some international projects from government agencies, charities, and businesses, however it is a highly skilled and time-consuming process to apply, with no guarantee of success. If you are good writing, organising material, explaining details without losing the big picture and presenting it all in a thorough but interesting way, and have time to spare, let us know.
For more opportunities to volunteer, please click here
Going overseas to help with Jacob’s Well can be a life-changing experience. It is one thing to see pictures of poor people on our TV screens. It is quite another thing to meet them, to talk to them and to work together with them to try and overcome their problems! Every year we take teams of volunteers overseas to help local people in a variety of projects. People with specific skills or those who just have a willingness to get involved and do anything are welcome. Specific skills that could be useful are;
- Medically qualified people – Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists, nutritionists, primary health care educators
- Dentists
- Teachers
- Builders & DIY experts
- Sport instructors
- Art & craft instructors
- Sewing instructors
- Farmers & people with agricultural knowledge
- General aid workers/helpers
Going on a trip overseas with Jacob’s Well is certainly not a relaxing holiday. However you will have opportunities to get to know an overseas situation in a way that tourists would never have. Your trip could include the following experiences. Some will be pleasant and enjoyable. Others could be challenging.
- Getting to know local people and their families. Seeing how they live and trying to help them overcome their problems.
- Experiencing a different culture. The sights, sounds (and smells) of the developing world have to be seen to be believed! The bustle and noise of a 3rd world city contrasts sharply with the quietness of their country-side. Often great ugliness and beauty live side by side as beautiful, happy people eke out a meagre living in their pitiful shacks.
- Tasting local foods. Although we make every effort to make sure that our volunteers’ have a hygienic and healthy diet, you probably won’t be eating food that you are used to. In developing countries food is often simpler, with less choice or variety.
- Living and working with a team. You will travel and live in close proximity with others. Flexibility, patience and an ability to get on with anyone are skills that you will need.
- Living more simply. In the developing world, many of the things that you take for granted are simply not there. Things like running water, electricity, a hot shower, flushing toilets or the internet are things that you may not see until you come back home again!
- Difficulty in communication; Not everyone in the world speaks English! You may experience the frustration of wanting to communicate but not have a language in common to talk in!
If you are interested in joining one of our trips overseas, please contact our office for more details.
Income: Our main income is from donations and our charity shop. Donations, especially if given regularly even in relatively small amounts, e.g. by standing order, help us to plan ahead and can be enhanced by reclaiming tax paid by those who sign a gift aid form. Good as new clothes, bedding, bric-a-brac and second-hand books in good condition are always welcome. Some is sold to raise funds for transport, overheads and purchasing supplies. Much of the clothing and bedding is sent to those in need. Money is raised by our volunteer fund raiser and helpers who give talks explaining our work and the needs of our recipients.
Supplies and medical equipment are our first priority. These come from a variety of sources – manufacturers, hospitals, pharmacies, surgeries, and patients. Many medical agencies have items which are still in working order which are replaced for new technology. In many cases such old equipment is better than what is currently in use in poverty situations. It is also often cheaper to operate and better suited to their conditions. Donated medicines can be passed on after careful checking and documenting, provided there is adequate shelf life to meet the recipients regulations and requirements and the condition is good. Some food is also sent to those in need. A sack of good clothes weighing about 7 kg is valued at £5. Valuation of medical items when second hand, some of which is functional but old, and some of which is good as new is related to market value depreciated according to expected life. Any money left over is used to purchase new medicines and or medical equipment.
Expenses: Gathering, transporting and shipping all these items is steadily becoming more expensive. We constantly review our methods of collection and distribution using rail freight or shipping where this is cheaper than by road. Our other two major financial commitments are our Rehabilitation Unit in Northern Romania now supporting 12 handicapped young people being prepared for normal life after years of institutional care and our Mother and Child Health Clinic in Kabul. We usually send about 12 shipping containers of aid abroad each year containing an average of approximately 12 tons of mixed donations with an average value of £50,000. This involves a tremendous amount of work from our Jacob’s Well teams both here in the UK and abroad. In England we employ 2 part time administrators. Our other workers are all volunteers. In Romania our associated Charity Fintana lui Iacob runs a Rehabilitation Unit for young people leaving long term institutional care with some support from England. Our Continental HGV driver is based there. In Kabul we employ a part-time doctor, nurse, clerk and administrator to run the Mother and Child Clinic.
Work in England: We have links with the local volunteer bureau, health authority, social services departments, social firms networks and main stream training providers. This has enabled Jacob’s Well to provide voluntary work for those who are unable to work full time when recovering from illness or who for any reason are not in a position to undertake ordinary work. Experience in a warehouse or shop setting builds up confidence benefiting the charity. Our aim is to help those who are having social difficulties to overcome their problems and be more involved in society so they can make a positive contribution and raise their sense of self-esteem. This is not easy in a competitive world where cost-effectiveness rules all. Often as people gain in confidence and skills we lose their help as they progress to the point of securing paid employment.
We are very grateful to all our volunteers and donors without whom this work could not continue.
We are working in partnership with a local firm of solicitors, Sandersons Solicitors who are offering a will writing service to friends of Jacobs Well Appeal. Sandersons have agreed to make a donation to Jacobs Well Appeal from every Will they complete for every client that instructs them and advises that they were referred to them by us.
If you are interested in making a will please call Sandersons Solicitors on (01482) 324662 or email them at Ensuring that you advise them you were referred to them by “Jacobs Well Appeal” in order to ensure a donation is made.
- Geography –Life in Burkina Faso an LEDC
- Geography – Natural disasters and emergency disaster relief
- Geography – Agriculture, Fair Trade/Free Trade.
- French – Burkina Faso – example of a French speaking country
- General Studies – Life in the third world
- General Studies – Aid organisations and how they work
- Water – The importance of clean, readily available water
- Literacy/World Book Day – Why education is important
- Business start ups – how to set up a small business
Every year we send hundreds of “Shoe Boxes” abroad as presents for some of the poorest children in the world. If you have any small items that you think would make a great present to a child in the developing world, pack them in a shoe boxes. If you want to wrap it up, even better! It would help us to put a label on saying the age and sex of the child it is intended for.
Items you could include are small items of clothing (Hats, Socks and scarves), Toiletries (toothpaste, soap and flannels), Stationary (Pens and Pencils, Paper, Colouring books), toys, Jewellery, solar calculator, Wind-up Torch, Candles etc. Please do not include perishables such as sweets or chocolates, medicines or money.
Why sponsor a child?
Sponsoring a child is an opportunity to change someone’s life forever. If you sponsor a child, you will be making a long-term difference to one of the poorest children in the world. In addition, you will have the opportunity to be involved in your child’s life as much or as little as you want. You can contact them by writing letters or sending birthday and Christmas cards. It can be the start of a long-term relationship
How does Child Sponsorship work?
If you want to become a child sponsor, first of all you select the child that you would like to sponsor. Once you have registered with us as a sponsor, you start to support that child monthly by setting up a Standing Order with your Bank to Jacob’s Well Appeal in the UK. See “How to pay” section.
Your money is specifically ear-marked to be spent on that child and won’t be used for anything else. We will send 100% of the money that you give overseas to finance the involvement of the child that you are supporting in the ABC school, which Jacob’s Well partners. Attendance at the school includes free food and primary medical care.
How much does Child Sponsorship cost?
It costs £19.50 a month to sponsor a child. That’s about 65p/day.
It costs £50.00/month for a Boarder due to the extra accommodation costs, so each Child needs 2 Sponsors, making it £25 per person. Just 83p/day
Will the cost rise as the child grows up?
We try to avoid raising the cost of sponsorship to donors, as we know how money can be tight. We review the cost of sponsorship once each year, taking into account factors like inflation in the UK and in the child’s country, the exchange rate between the two countries, and the actual average cost that we have incurred in looking after your child.
The cost of sponsorship will never increase in a way that is disproportionate or unreasonable.
If the cost of sponsorship has to rise, we tell donors in advance. If the raised level of sponsorship becomes a problem, we are happy to discuss this with donors and existing donors can carry on paying for their child at the existing rate, unless the difference becomes too great.
At what point in the child’s life does my sponsorship stop?
Your sponsorship is to support the child through his or her education.
When your child has finished their primary and secondary education at the ABC school, your sponsorship of that child will come to an end.
Of course, you may want to stay in touch with your child after they leave school. That is something that could be very beneficial for both you and your child. At that point you will be given the choice as to whether you want to sponsor another child or to finish your financial support to Jacob’s Well Appeal.
What happens if I stop my sponsorship?
Once you choose to support a child, Jacob’s Well Appeal is committed to that child. If your circumstances change and you can no longer sponsor a child, we will understand. We will, however, need to find another sponsor for the child as soon as possible. If you decide to end your support, we would be grateful if you could let us know. If it is possible to give us some advance warning, that would be even better. If you stop your support, we will immediately look for a new sponsor. The education of your child will continue uninterrupted.
How can I be sure that my money gets through to pay for the cost of my child?
Jacob’s Well Appeal only works within countries where we have our own projects. In this way, we ensure that our funding is handled by people that we trust and are in regular contact with, instead of by any third parties. Over the years, we have developed a system of financial accountability that makes is difficult for money to be mis-directed or used in an inappropriate way. In addition, all the money received has to be accounted for in an annual report that is sent back to our head office. We are able to account fully for all the money that we receive, and have audited accounts that are publicly available at any time.
Within the UK, Jacob’s Well Appeal is regulated by the Charities Commission – a legal body which oversees all UK charities and their activities. We are a not-for-profit organization, and we know that the continued support we receive is dependant on our efficient use of supporters’ money. Our annual report is available to anyone who requests it (a small admin charge may be required for this).
Can I choose which child I sponsor?
Yes. You can choose which child you would like to sponsor from their photograph and personal profile information as displayed on our web-site. Currently, in the UK we are encouraging people to sponsor children in Burkina Faso and Kenya, West Africa. If you would particularly like to sponsor a child from another country that we work in, please contact us, and we can send you details. We have children available for sponsorship in 9 different countries.
Can I write to my child? Will I receive letters back?
When a person sponsors a child, he receives a report with information on the child and 3 photo’s. He will also receive a Christmas card, letter or drawing, a new photo every year and an annual report of the child’s progress. To see a model annual report please click here.
You will also be able to write to your child. We will also let you know your child’s birthday, so that you can send your child a birthday card if you wish to. We also encourage the sending of a card at Christmas too. If your child doesn’t speak English, we will make sure that your letter is translated for your child into his/her own language. Whilst the children always like getting letters, we do not make children reply to every letter that they receive. Some children do so themselves and sometimes they correspond frequently with sponsors, especially if they can communicate in the same language.
Can I send presents?
Yes you can! We recommend that gifts are no bigger than an A5 size envelope. It is not recommended to send larger gifts for various reasons:
* Large gifts usually incur customs taxes which have to be paid by the local family before the gift is released, money which they don’t have.
* Larger presents are more likely to go astray! Remember that your package will pass through the hands of many people within the destination country’s postal service before it arrives at the Jacob’s Well Project address. Many of these postal workers will themselves be poor and may not be totally honest!
*Larger items are also more likely to get damaged in the long journey over bumpy roads to the package’s final destination!
What about Jacob’s Well Appeal administration costs?
No deductions are made from the sponsors’ payments for our administration. We are very grateful for the hundreds of hours of
work done by volunteers, which helps to keep our costs low. Our administrative costs are be met by other (general – or unrestricted) donations and from the tax that we recover on donations given through the government’s Gift Aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer, Jacob’s Well Appeal can reclaim from the government 25p for every pound that you give, increasing the value of your donation by almost one third, at no extra cost or trouble to you.
Can I visit my child?
Yes you can, although this does require a lot of preparation by everyone involved. Travel within the third world can be unpredictable and difficult for those who are not used to it. In order to help us ensure that your visit is a positive experience for both you and your child, we would ask for a minimum of three months notice if you wish to visit your sponsored child. Remember, if you can’t speak the same language as your child, we may also need to arrange for an interpreter to be present. For more information about visiting your child, please contact Jacob’s Well Appeal office on 01482-881162
How to pay?
To complete the standing order form for your bank please click here Word or PDF
OR if you do Internet Banking then you can set it up on line. Easy!
Volunteers play a vital part in enabling us to help the world’s poorest people. Without them our whole organisation would grind to a halt! Volunteering with Jacob’s Well can be a very rewarding and enriching experience for you, and can make a big difference to the lives of people overseas. Here are some different opportunities for volunteering
Medical volunteers
We have a great shortage of medically trained volunteers to help with the sorting and processing of our overseas medical aid. We receive regular donations of medicines and other medical products which all need sorting, listing and packing before they can be sent overseas. If you know the difference between a tracheal tube and a laryngeal mask, and would like to use your knowledge to help people overseas, please let us know.
We have a van and a small lorry that we use for collecting medical supplies and other donated items. If you are a good driver with a clean license and would be happy to drive for us in your spare time, please let us know.
Warehouse helpers
Each week we receive hundreds of items which need sorting, packing in boxes, putting on pallets and then finally packing into lorries for shipping abroad. If you are happy to work in a team and don’t mind doing some physical work, this could be an opportunity for you. This could be great experience if you want to move into a job in logistics or warehousing.
Electrical testing
We often get second hand medical equipment. This needs testing (and sometimes repairing) before it is sent overseas. If you have experience in this kind of work, and would like to help, please let us know.
Charity Shop
Working in our charity shop you get to meet lots of new people. We need volunteers to staff the tills, sort out and price items and put items on display. This could be great experience if you want to move into a job in retail or sales.
Go Overseas
Would you like to join a team to go overseas and help a project in the developping world? For more details, click here
For the Volunteer application form please click here : Volunteer form