May 2022

And so, Lord, my only hope is in You.  Psalm 39:7-9 We have now had 3 months of war in Ukraine and the end seems even further away and the situation seems hopeless. After 2 years of Covid and now with the economic difficulties we are facing, the hope of a better time...

March 2022

Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts Hebrews 4:7 Hello everyone. I am sure you are all very distressed by the images and news on the TV and radio regarding Ukraine. As you will have seen from our front page and perhaps heard on the news or radio we...


Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing. 1Thes 5:16,17 Hello everyone. It’s already the beginning of February and I’ve almost got used to writing 2022. The weather is remarkably mild (though very windy at times!) which is helpful for those working in the...


He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and I suspect most of you in the UK are double vaccinated. Covid itself has not been a particular problem to our partners in West Africa, though the knock on effects of...


But you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. 2 Chronicles 15:7 Hello – I do hope you are well and keeping safe from Covid. As things get back to normal we hope that you will continue to visit our shops and support us. It has been a...


Trust in the Lord and do good. Psalm 37:3 As we come out of this recent lockdown we are reminded again at how lucky we are to live in a country with a good health service and we are so grateful for the vaccination program. As India struggles with the pandemic we see...