A Thank you from Burkina Faso

Our partners in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso received funds to buy food for the displaced people that had fled from the countryside to the capital. In Burkina Faso extremists have killed teachers and pastors and so churches and schools have closed and the security...

July 2019

With God anything is possible Mark 10:27 Alistair and I will be travelling to Sierra Leone at end of this week and we value your prayers for our safety and for opportunities to build a partnership with the people there. Jacob’s Well Appeal would like to work...

Container to the Shekhinah Clinic in Ghana

We have just sent another container to Ghana, this time to the Shekhinah clinic in its Northern Region. This clinic helps destitute people, particularly the mentally ill, and runs a feeding program in the centre of Tamale. It offers basic medical and surgical help for...

June 2019

It is the Lord your God who goes with you  Deuteronomy 31:6 We are now half way through the year and the longest day is approaching – I feel like it has passed in a blur. When we were in Ghana earlier this year we visited a place called the Shekinah Clinic in...