Coronavirus Update

As of 26th May our warehouse is now open and we are able to accept donations. Unfortunately we are temporarily unable to accept any books, toys or furniture. We will inform you when this situation changes. Our shops are now open. Many thanks to you all for your...

Medical Donations

Since the charity was first set up in 1984, Jacob’s Well Appeal has been sending medical aid abroad to countries that are struggling with lack of medical and surgical items. This aid is made up of donations from the NHS such as walking frames and unwanted mechanical...

February 2020

The strength of the righteous shall be exalted Psalm 75:10  Alistair and I travelled to Ghana in January to see the projects that Jacob’s Well Appeal have been working on. We visited several dry season farming projects, three smaller ones run by Saraha Advocates...

Banfora Clinic stage one complete

Jacob’s Well is helping to construct a clinic in the West of Burkina in a town called Banfora.  The site was purchased in 2001  by a local NGO with a view of treating vulnerable, disadvantaged marginalized and disabled people who otherwise would have no access...