Ambulances for Ukraine
We are currently fundraising to buy this, our 5th ambulance for Ukraine. The four the ambulances we managed to purchase have been serviced and then re-sprayed ready to go to the Military Medical Brigade, ready for front line duty.
The Hospital in Burkina Faso is now back to being fully operational
The Hospital in Burkina Faso is now back to being fully operational following repairs from the fire;
Burkina Faso Hospital Fire Repair Progress
The repairs continue to go well in Burkina Faso, the electrical cabling is now complete.
The Mortuary Building is now 99% complete
Latest update from the Mortuary Building
Morgue progress in Burkina Faso
In the hospital in Ouagadougou which we have helped with solar panels and a maternity and surgical wing, they haven't had an area to lay out the patients who have unfortunately died. This is particularly difficult in a hot climate. Due to a generous donation from one...
X-Ray machine for Ouagadougou Hospital
The X-Ray machine we bought for Ouagadougou Hospital has been installed
Aid to Sanyati, Zimbabwae
The container to Sanyati Hospital Zimbabwe has arrived!
Ongoing construction of vaccine unit in Northern Ghana
We are hoping to complete the building within this month.
Ouagadougou Hospital Solar Project Completed
The Ouagadougou Hospital solar panel project has now been completed, this should help significantly reduce the hospitals electricity bills.
Ouagadougou Hospital Solar Project update
The Solar Panels have now been installed at Ouagadougou Hospital, they are now just awaiting their next electricity bill to see the their impact.
Since the charity was first set up in 1984, Jacob’s Well Appeal has been sending medical aid abroad to countries that are struggling with lack of medical and surgical items.
This aid is made up of donations from the NHS such as walking frames and unwanted mechanical beds as well as bandages and gloves near the date line from manufacturers. These would all go to landfill otherwise.We also send ostomy supplies from firms and the general public.
Our medical directors visit the hospitals we send this aid to, to check how it is used and what is required. Clinics they visit in the rural areas have no dressings or gloves or medication but it can still be very difficult to get this aid through customs.

These are the bags and devices patients use after they have had surgery on their bowels or bladders, leaving them with the need to collect their waste in a device attached to their bodies. In the UK these are provided by the NHS. In poorer countries the patient has to pay for them and often they are in very poor supply, so the price of the items is beyond most peoples wages. Without these bags the patients are effectively housebound and there life is very desperate.
There are many reasons why someone might need to have colostomy surgery, including:-
- Diverticulitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Cancer of the bowels
- Obstruction of the bowels
- Trauma & injury
- Bowel incontinence
- An emergency situation
Colostomy bags are very expensive, in the unlikely event that the local pharmacy would have them in stock. Imagine the humiliation if you couldn’t get one and had to make your own out of leaky carrier bags – something that frequently happens in poorer countries. We have seen one young teenage boy using a tin can that he strapped to his belly.
Jacob’s Well helps people, particularly in West Africa and Moldova by sending the ostomy supplies that otherwise they would not have, enabling patients to live a dignified life. We are very grateful to receive any donation of unwanted Ostomy products including pouches (even if they have been pre-cut) and accessories. We can also accept lotions, powders, gels and wipes – provided they are unopened.
You can either post them via the post office, using or which usually works out cheaper for items over 2kg. They can come and pick up the item from your home and courier it to us.