We will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever. Micah 4:5
Hello! I am just visiting Beverley from Inverness, where Alistair and I are spending majority of the year babysitting. We are still in regular touch with Jacobs’ Well Appeal, and the work continues! We are continuing our support for Ukraine, sending predominantly medical aid including 6 ambulances as well as food, clothing and warm bedding to this war torn country. We have also sent a container of medical aid to Zimbabwe and one to Congo Brazzaville, and a curtain-sider to Moldova. We are (at this very moment!) packing a container for Burkina Faso. Half will go to Bobo with computers for the school and items for the well drilling equipment we have already sent, and half will go to Ouagadougou with medical equipment and aid for the hospital there, including a mortuary fridge.
We also have run several projects in Ghana – a literacy project involving bead making (thank you Doncaster and St Leger Inner Wheel) and have nearly finished a paediatric ward for a remote medical facility in Ghana.
During our last visit to Ghana we went to the Tanziri community, a remote community in Northern Ghana. These remote communities live a very hard life – water is a real challenge and they survive by farming the land and are very dependent on the weather and the harvest. We are working with the women from this community on farming projects to vary their crop and make them more self sufficient. They requested that the charity consider supplying a grinding mill to help the women so that they did not have to do the hard work of grinding by hand. They were happy to build the hut that the mill would be sited in.

Women of the Tanziri community with their new grinding mill which they will use to grind flour and also crack the shea butter nut they collect as an alternative income during the dry season. The women will form a community and pay a small amount towards the upkeep of the grinding mill.
We are always so very grateful for the support you give us to carry out the work for those who are so desperately poor or are in need of help. Thank you so much!