What we DO & DO NOT take! Jacob’s Well Warehouse Jacob’s Well Yard (Take the turn in between Aldi and MKM) Swinemoor Lane Beverley HU17 0JX General
- No Christmas trees or decorations!
- Good quality clothing
- Shoes, Bags, Belts
- Hats, gloves, scarves
- Good Quality Underwear
- Blankets & sheets, NEW duvets, but not cushions.
- Knitted Items including Baby & children’s clothes, blankets from cot – single bed size.
- Wool
- Hand tools & power tools (sent abroad)
- Unwanted Metal & metal items (for scrap value)
- Sewing machines (particularly hand driven) and sewing equipment
- Bikes
- Toys but only if they are small enough to fit in a shoe box
- Musical Instruments EXCEPT traditional (wooden) pianos and electric organs.
- Shoe boxes to send abroad. Contents can include, small toys, toiletries, stationery, colouring books, wind-up torches, sewing kit, calculator, wallet/purse, jewellery, make-up BUT NO sweets/medicines/money
- No Food, Vitamin drinks or pet food
- Good quality Bric-a- brac items
- Jigsaws ONLY IF all the pieces are there
- Jewellery and watches
- DVD’s and Music CD’s, LPs but NOT videos
- Working Smart Phones
- Small Electrical Items in good condition & working order
- Working Computers & Laptops – but NOT printers
- Flat Screen Monitors, working keyboards and mice.
- Flat screen TV’s, NO DVD recorders or video recorders
- NO CD players or sound systems
- NO organs but we do take electric keyboards
- NO lamps or uplighters
White goods
- White Goods – washing machines, etc. providing that they are in VERY GOOD condition and work.
- Cookers; freestanding cookers in VERY good, working condition; Not built in ovens or hobs
Furniture • We accept some furniture according to our needs, please contact the office.
- NO MEDICINES or medical feeds
- Bandages & dressings, Unused Ostomy/Stoma products
- Medical equipment, such as thermometers, blood pressure machines, ventilators, heart monitors, etc.
- Hearing aids, Spectacles (not broken ones or sun-glasses)
- Wheel chairs, crutches, etc.
- Hospital beds
Our warehouse is open Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm, for more directions click here